Well, over a year since I've shared photos here and figured why not dust off the old blog tonight. Over the summer we took a road trip...
The weekend before school let out we piled in and took off for Lake Wenatchee. We went camping up there with a bunch of families from...
The New Field
Gosh, it's been nearly a year since I've blogged. Time to change that! I've got a ton of photos that I haven't shared on here, mostly due...
cars and flare
When your kids are asking what you're doing in the Target parking lot and you have to tell them to hang tight because the light is just...
flowers and freelensing
The light was just so and we had to water the flowers again, so my big kid let me practice freelensing a bit. She got a little too close...
4th of July
Well, nearly a month later and I am getting around to sharing my 4th of July photos on the blog. We went up to Camano Island with my...
So let's just start with I LOVE COPENHAGEN! Seriously. Such a fun city. I was completely blown away by how walkable/bikeable it is....
A month or so ago my husband and I headed across the pond to Denmark, Sweden and then on the way back, stopped over in Iceland. Here was...
Mama + Me
I happened to be headed back to Moses Lake for the weekend to help celebrate my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary - yes you read...
Camera remotes and self portraits
I remembered that I had a camera remote (purchased off amazon for a couple buck) tucked away in my bedroom. I had just finished reading...